The Open Office for Words: In The Abyss of The Present

Phrenology illustration. - An attempt at categorising human abilities and psychic attributes to separate zones of the brain. Woodcut, 1864.

Phrenology illustration. - An attempt at categorising human abilities and psychic attributes to separate zones of the brain. Woodcut, 1864.

The theme for September is: Consciousness, memory loss and the breakdown of personal narrative.

September’s Open Office for Words looks at consciousness and the creation of personal narrative by looking at the breakdown of autobiographical memory in the case of Clive Wearing, a British musicologist and conductor suffering from anterogade amnesia.

The Office invites you to a screening of the BBC documentary ‘Life Without Memory; The Case of Clive Wearing’, followed by a discussion. Introduction to the theme by Deirdre M. Donoghue.

You are cordially invited to search through your resources and to see whether you perhaps might have something to contribute to the themes of identity, amnesia, the processes of remembering and forgetting. Books, journals, research papers and images related, whether from the field of arts or science are all welcome, as are art-works, documentaries and interviews in a dvd-format.

Practical Information:
Sunday 6 September 2009 | Theme: Consciousness, memory loss, personal narrative.
13:00 -15:00 | studio 207 | Houtlaan 21 | Rotterdam
The Office commences at 13:00 sharp.

E: openofficeforwords[at]gmail[dot]com
T: 06 – 53323708

Please Note:
Due to the building regulations it is necessary to inform The Office in advance about attendance. You can do so by email up to the day before and by phone on the day itself.

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